Pada kumpulan foto mobil ini Anda dapat menemukan gambar-gambar mobil favorit Anda. Ada banyak foto mobil antik, moderen dan mobil konsep. Foto-foto mobil keren ini diambil pada pameran Indonesia International Motor Show di Jakarta 2009. Di antaranya ada mobil resmi kepresidenan Republik Indonesia.
In this photo collection you can find images of your favorite cars. There are a lot of vintage car photos as well as modern cars or even concept car. These photos were taken in the exhibition of Indonesia International Motor Show in Jakarta, 2009. Some of those vintage cars were the official cars of president of the Republic of Indonesia.
Please don't remove the watermark of the pictures when you use them. Thank you.
Foto mobil kerenz yang lain: Kumpulan Mobil Keren - Part 3 Kumpulan Mobil Keren - Part 2